PR1: Map4Accessibility Service-Learning and Community Methodology
The methodology will outline the service learning and community mapping methodology to be applied in the project. It will include the innovative pedagogical approach combining service-learning, overview and application of community mapping practices with a focus on exploratory and urban walks as community mapping methods, outline the gaps in current accessibility mapping tools, needs and requirements as regards both physical and digital accessibility and provide a facilitation guide on how to apply the methodology.


PR2: Map4Accessibility Guide on Inclusive Digital Accessibility

Based on project partner’s experience in web and app accessibility an open access guide on web accessibility will be designed. Theoretical knowledge and practical tools will be provided to designers and developers in and outside academic institutions enabling them to create a more accessible digital environment on campus. A short visually attractive graphical reference guide will be included as part of the guide and available as a separate download.

PR3: Map4Accessibility Mapping Website and Progressive Web App (PWA)

Based on the app +Acesso para Todos, an accessibility mapping website and app will be adapted, co-designed and co-developed through service-learning student activities. The mapping tools, embedding Universal Design Principles, will aim to provide accessibility information at the city level in 4 cities across Europe – Catania, Berlin, Blagoevgrad.


PR4: Applications of Service-Learning Handbook: An Innovative Pedagogical Approach to Engage Students and Teachers for Accessibility and Inclusivity
A best practice guide will be prepared on how to implement ECTS recognised service-learning as a pedagogical methodology in educational institutions (not limited to HEIs). It will cover ways to engage students in real-life, community-based and community needs driven projects in addition to theoretical knowledge gained in their academic degrees. The handbook will have as a focus disability and inclusivity service-learning experiences for students.


PR5: Open Access Book - Map4Accessibility – Co-Design for Accessible Institutions and Cities
The final project result will be a digital open-access book including aspect related to:

  • identification of legally binding accessibility standards for buildings and within the city,
  • proposal of accessibility standards in the built environment which go beyond the legal norms,
  • proposal for urban planning on how to make key urban features more accessible,
  • best practices for digital accessibility.